Das Erscheinen des Geistigen
durch das Äußere, das ist das Schöne.
Rudolf Steiner (GA
122, 8. Vortrag)
The fastest
way to find fine art on the Internet. We have
compiled a comprehensive index of every artist
represented at hundreds of museum sites, image
archives, and other online resources. We have
started out by covering the biggest and best
sites around, and have links for most well-known
artists to keep you surfing for hours. Update
October/1999: We have now indexed 500
sites, and offer 17,000
links directly to an estimated 70,000
works by 6,000 different
artists. The Artcyclopedia's custom search
engine is already the fastest way to search the
Net for information about fine artists. Period.
We only provide references to sites on the World
Wide Web where artists' works can be viewed online.
The vast majority of the fine artists in our
database specialize in painting and sculpture.
We do include other artistic media where
possible. Examples of these types of media are: photography,
decorative arts, installation art, video,
digital and web-based art, naïve art/folk
art/outsider art, architecture.
für den Kunstunterricht
Hermann Ludwig -
Eine umfangreiche, sehr gut gegliederte Linksammlung zu allen
Fragen des Kunstunterrichts.
Kunst / Links / ZLB

Sehr umfangreiche und qualitativ
hochwertige Linksammlung zu Museen, Galerien und
zur Kunst und Architektur in Deutschland
Bildarchiv zur Kunst und Architektur in Deutschland ist ein Nachschlagewerk
und Wegweiser. Es steht Interessierten für nichtkommerzielle Zwecke
kostenlos zur Verfügung, wird in drei Jahren 1,5 Millionen
kunstgeschichtlicher Fotografien bieten und zumindest einen Teil
der reproduzierten Kunst- und Bauwerke unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten
erschließen. Der gegenwärtige Prototyp 3 enthält 512.500
Fotografien aus Orten von Aach bis Hermsdorf (Kreis Stadtroda).
Art History
Michael Greenhalgh -
Art & Architecture -
mainly from the Mediterranean Basin
This server, in the Department of
Art History & Visual Studies at the
Australian National University, offers access to
around 120,000 images - i.e.
some 34Gb of data - all concerned in some way
with the history of art and architecture, and the
great majority unavailable elsewhere on the Web.
Masters of Painting
A personal selection by piero scaruffi
A personal selection by piero scaruffi
Fine Art Presentations
This directory contains Graphics
files (in many different formats) and
Graphics-related information on the subject of
Fine Arts. The various sub-directories contain
files for specific artists or categories.
Graphics Techniques
Art History Tutorials
10,000 Images of Australian &
European Art & Architecture
Site under Development
Images increase in number weekly
Gallery Antique Prints & Maps
Offering a selection of authentic antique prints and maps
published during the 1800's and early 1900's. Although we
specialize in Americana, you will find subjects of worldwide
interest also. We want our website to be a stroll through
history as recorded by artists and a source of information.