Erwin Schrödinger
Die vorliegende Web-Ausstellung gibt
einen auszugsweisen Einblick in das Leben
und Schaffen von Erwin Schrödinger. Die
Web-Präsentation basiert auf der biographischen
Ausstellung "Erwin Schrödinger. Zum 100.
Geburtstag" der Zentralbibliothek für
Physik in Wien. Sie versteht sich als Reminiszenz
an Erwin Schrödinger und als Beitrag zu
Wissenschaft und Kultur im Internet. Durch die
Veröffentlichung im World Wide Web soll die
Möglichkeit geschaffen werden, ausgewählte und
teilweise einzigartige Bilder und Dokumente
dieser Ausstellung weltweit zugänglich zu
Erwin Schrödinger
Erwin Schrödinger wurde am
12.August 1887 in Wien geboren und starb am
4.Januar 1961 in Alpbach.
Als Schrödinger auf die Anfang 1925 publizierte
Doktorarbeit Louis de Broglies und auf Einsteinsche Arbeiten
zur Bosestatistik aufmerksam geworden war, wollte
er "Ernst machen mit der de
Broglie-Einsteinschen Undulationstheorie der
bewegten Korpuskel, nach welcher dieselbe nichts
weiter als eine Art 'Schaumkamm' auf einer den
Weltgrund bildenden Wellenstrahlung ist'.
Nachdem er die neuen Gedanken zunächst auf die Gastheorie
angewandt hatte, übertrug er sie Anfang November
1925 auf das einzelne Atom. Die Intensität, mit
der Schrödinger an dem Problem arbeitete,
verstärkte sich, als er sah, daß er einer 'neuen
Atomtheorie' auf die Spur gekommen war,
und erreichte einen Höhepunkt während seines
Winterurlaubs in Arosa.
Erwin Schrödinger
Physicist, born in Vienna. He taught
at Stuttgart, Breslau, Zürich, Berlin, Oxford
(1933-8), and Dublin (1940-56), after which he
retired to Vienna. He originated the study of the
wave behaviour of matter within quantum mechanics
with his celebrated wave equation (1926), which
is as important to science at the subatomic level
as Newton's laws of motion are to mechanics in
the normal-size world.
Erwin Schrödinger
Erwin Schrödinger was the Nobel
Prize winning Austrian Physicist who first
hypothesized the "Cat
Paradox" that we now reverently call
"Schrödinger's Cat." During his
life from 1887 to 1961, Schrödinger made many
advancements in quantum sciences. Here is a
look at the accomplishments of this great mind in
our world's history.
Erwin Schrödinger
Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961) was an
Austrian physicist who became famous as the
person who first studied wave mechanics.
Schrodinger produced equations about undulation
that explained the behavior of electrons in
atoms. These equations formed the basis of wave
mechanics, as well as allowing for the
development of quantum mechanics. The
advancements he led earned him the 1933 Nobel
Prize for Physics.
Erwin Schrödinger
Dan Thomas -
During this fall of 1925, Erwin
Schrödinger was a visitor in the laboratory of Peter Debye in
Switzerland. Debye had heard of de Broglie's thesis and asked
Schrödinger if he would lead a discussion at one
of their regularly scheduled group meetings on
the subject. He agreed, and this time, as he
worked with the concepts, he soon became an
ardent fan, and led a strongly favorable
presentation of these ideas in the meeting.
Debye, speaking with him afterwards, was cool
towards the general ideas and stated that if
anything is ever going to come of it someone
would need to write down a wave equation for
Erwin Schrödinger Nobel Prize Physics
"for the discovery of
new productive forms of atomic theory"
Schrödinger, Erwin (1887-1961)
Austrian physicist who invented wave
mechanics in 1926. Wave mechanics was an
independent formulation of Quantum
Mechanics to Heisenberg's Matrix
Mechanics . Like Matrix Mechanics , wave
mechanics mathematically described the behavior
of Electrons and Atoms . The central equation of
wave mechanics, now known as the Schrödinger Equation , turned
out to be much simpler for physicists to solve in
most cases.
Schrödinger, Erwin
Schrödinger's mathematical
description of electron waves superseded matrix
mechanics, developed 1925 by Max Born and Werner Heisenberg, which
also described the structure of the atom
mathematically but, unlike wave mechanics, gave
no picture of the atom. It was later shown that
wave mechanics is equivalent to matrix mechanics.
Erwin Schrödinger's father Rudolf
Schrödinger ran a small linoleum factory which
he had inherited from his own father. Erwin's
mother, Emily Bauer, was half English, this side
of the family coning from Leamington Spa, and
half Austrian with her father coming from Vienna.
He entered the Akademisches Gymnasium in the
autumn of 1898, rather later than was usual since
he spent a long holiday in England around the
time he might have entered the school. He wrote
later about his time at the Gymnasium:-
I was a good student in
all subjects, loved mathematics and physics,
but also the strict logic of the ancient
grammars, hated only memorising incidental
dates and facts. Of the German poets, I loved
especially the dramatists, but hated the
pedantic dissection of this works.
Schrödinger was a student at Vienna
from 1906 and taught there for ten years from
1910 to 1920 with a break for military service in
World War I. He went to Zurich in 1921 where he
made very important contributions to wave
mechanics and the general theory of relativity in
a series of papers in 1926. Wave mechanics,
proposed by Schrödinger in these papers, was the
second formulation of quantum theory, the first
being matrix mechanics due to Heisenberg.
Schrödinger was awarded the Nobel prize for this
work in 1933.
The Schrödinger Equation
C. David Sherrill -
In 1925, Erwin Schrödinger and
Werner Heisenberg independently developed the new
quantum theory. Schrödinger's method involves
partial differential equations, whereas
Heisenberg's method employs matrices; however, a
year later the two methods were shown to be
mathematically equivalent. Most textbooks begin
with Schrödinger's equation, since it seems to
have a better physical interpretation via the
classical wave equation. Indeed, the Schrödinger
equation can be viewed as a form of the wave
equation applied to matter waves.
Erwin Schrödinger: Geist und Materie
"Vor ungefähr zehn Jahren
(1948) - in einer Arbeit, die in den 'Acta
Physika Austriaca' erschienen ist - lenkte ich
die Aufmerksamkeit auf zwei sehr allgemeine
Prinzipien, welche unserer
naturwissenschaftlichen Denkweise zugrunde
liegen: das Prinzip der 'Verständlichkeit der
Natur' und das Prinzip der 'Objektivierung'. Ich
habe mir vorgenommen, hier das zweite Prinzip zu
erörtern, welches ich 'Objektivierung' genannt
Damit meine ich genau dasselbe, was auch oftmals
die 'Hypothese der realen Außenwelt' genannt
wird. Ich behaupte, es handelt sich dabei um eine
gewisse Vereinfachung, die wir einführen, um das
unerhört verwickelte 'Problem der Natur' zu
meistern. Ohne es uns ganz klarzumachen und ohne
dabei immer ganz streng folgerichtig zu sein,
schließen wir das 'Subjekt der Erkenntnis' aus
aus dem Bereich dessen, was wir an der Natur
verstehen wollen. Wir treten mit unserer Person
zurück in die Rolle eines Zuschauers, der nicht
zur Welt gehört, welch letztere eben dadurch zu
einer 'objektiven' Welt wird."