around the Web
Peter King -

- Various opinions, mostly
from University Philosophy Departments.

- Pages relevant to
geographical regions & languages. In practice,
mainly an index of links to University Philosophy
Departments on the Web.

- A miscellany of sites -
whatever doesn't fit easily into the other
categories, including Societies, Libraries, etc..

- Philosophical resources and
indices provided by individuals.

- Philosophical resources and
indices organised into topics.

- On-line philosophical
dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and search engines.

- Conventional, paper-based
journals' Home Pages, plus on-line and e-mail

- I've included sites offering
on-line or down-loadable texts, as well as sites
offering collections of texts by different

- Relevant Usenet and e-mail
groups, plus information about on-line chat.

- Conferences, seminars,
departmental programmes, etc.

- This includes University
Extra-Mural & Continuing Education Departments,
and Distance Learning.

- A directory of philosophers
who have Web pages (however meagre).

- Links to useful sites.

- Philosophical and
journalistic, plus some poetry, original and
Episteme Links: Philosophy Resources on
the Internet includes
thousands of sorted links to philosophy resources
on the internet and has several additional
features. Each month recognizes
another Philosophy website as being a "Gem
of the Web". These sites are the best of the
best (Gems Archive).
main sections of are:
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Edited by Edward N.
Welcome to
the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the
first dynamic encyclopedia. In a dynamic
encyclopedia, each entry is maintained and kept
up to date by an expert or group of experts in
the field (the authors are given direct
electronic access to a copy of their entry).
Unlike static reference works which are fixed on
the printed page or on CD-ROM and which often
become outdated soon after they are published,
this reference work is responsive to new
research, for it constantly changes with the
addition of new entries and the modification of
existing entries. Moreover, the entries and
subsequent updates are refereed by the members of
a distinguished Editorial Board before
they are put online. Whenever an author uploads a
new entry or modifies an existing entry, the new
material is stored off-line until it is approved
by the Editorial Board member in charge of that
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
James Fieser
Deutscher Philosophie-Knoten
Georg Sommer
Ein Verbund von im Internet
aktiven Philosophinnen und Philosophen aus dem
deutschen Sprachraum. Zum Deutschen
Philosophie-Knoten haben sich Personen bzw.
lokale Gruppen aus Bamberg, Bonn, Chemnitz,
Hamburg, Jena und Wien
zusammengeschlossen. Ziel des Knoten-Projektes
ist es, philosophische Angebote im Internet zu
erstellen, weiterzuentwickeln und durch
Koordination Lücken und Dubletten zu vermeiden.
Insbesondere haben wir uns folgendes zur Aufgabe
- Entwicklung von
Internet-Anwendungen für das akademische
Philosophieren, sowie zur Kontaktpflege
zwischen Philosophierenden innerhalb und
außerhalb der Universitäten.
- Zusammenstellung von
Hintergrundinformationen zum Thema
'Philosophie und Internet'.
- Gemeinsames Erschließen
philosophischer Datenquellen im Internet.
Eine umfangreiche Sammlung zum Thema
Philosophy in Cyberspace
Dey Alexander -
Eine sehr umfangreiche Linksammlung
zu den verschiedensten philosophischen Themen.
Branches: aesthetics, metaphysics, logic,
existentialism, great thinkers, ...
Text-Related: journals, texts, bookstores,
bibliographies, preprints, libraries, ...
Organisations: philosphy departments, projects,
centres, associations, ...
Forums: usenet newsgroups, mailing lists ...
Miscellaneous: conferences, syllabi, jobs,
humour, ...
The Notebook for Contemporary
Continental Philosophy
Dr. Scott H. Moore -
General Philosophical Resources.
Journals and Magazines. Pages Devoted to
Philosophers. Pages Devoted to Philosophical
Subjects. Language and Research Aids.
This web resource is maintained by Dr. Scott H. Moore (Department of Philosophy, Baylor University, Waco,
Texas, USA) as a teaching tool for his students.
Björn's Guide to Philosophy
Björn Christensson -
This site is no longer updated and
not all links wok properly. Hopefully I will have
time to work on a new site this summer, perhaps I
will be back. Dennoch
eine Menge interessanter und noch gültiger
MIA Philosophy Resource from Andy
Andy Blunden -
a Miniature Library of
Philosophy - tracing the development
of ideas on the relation between consciousness
and matter through the words of 120 philosophers
over 400 years
Philosophy Research Study Guide -
Academic Resources
A service
for the online network of worldwide philosophers.
Categorized by history, subject and
author, this meta-index integrates text resources
with the best online resources. Based upon
visitor participation, the Philosophy Research
Base serves as both a study guide and a platform
for a wide variety of community services for
students and teachers in philosophy and related
Stefan R.
Müller, Jan Boddin, Nils Hergert, Vincent C.
Müller und Georg Sommer.
PhilNet bietet seit 1995
kostenlos die Möglichkeit, sich mit den
philosophischen Quellen im Internet vertraut zu
machen, an philosophischen Aktivitäten zu
beteiligen und eigene Projekte zu starten.
Zusammen mit anderen deutschsprachigen
Philosophie-Anbietern, unterhält PhilNet den Deutschen Philosophie-Knoten: Eine
übergreifende Entwicklungsplattform und ein
gemeinsamer Orientierungspunkt für
Philosophie-Interessierte. PhilNet konzentriert
sich derzeit auf die Konsolidierung einiger
Kern-Projekte. Sie werden im Laufe des Jahres
überarbeitet oder relaunched. Das Textarchiv
MINERVA, das wir im Rahmen des Deutschen
Philosophie-Knotens entwickeln, hat bereits das
Beta-Stadium verlassen, die dritte Version der
Suchmaschine ARIADNE ist in Arbeit. Weitere
Programme und Texte von PhilNet-Mitgliedern
finden Sie auf den jeweiligen Homepages.
Winfried Löffler
The Radical Academy - Philosophy,
Politics and the Human Condition
Jonathan Dolhenty,
Priscilla F. Harris, Mortimer J. Adler, Max
Weismann, Gordon Francis Corbett-

The Radical Academy is an
analysis of the human condition as seen through
the eyes of an authentic philosophical realism
fundamentally grounded on the judgments of common
sense, critically examined and expanded. RADICAL:
(rad'i k'l) adj. [ < L. radix,
of, or from, the root]; going to the foundation
or root of something; fundamental; basic; getting
to the basic facts, causes, principles, problems,
solutions; also describes a person advocating
such. The "radical" pictured in our
logo is Aristotle, the first great synoptic
philosopher, the father of systematic logic, and
an advocate of commonsense philosophical realism.
Adventures in Philosophy
Offers a brief history of
ancient, medieval, modern, recent, and
American philosophy and the doctrines of
the major philosophers, plus their
positive contributions, if any, to the
Perennial Philosophy of Classical
Realism. |
Classic Philosophers Series
Expanded presentations of
the philosophy of some of the major
philosophers of Western civilization.
Additions to this section are made from
time to time. |
We are commonsense philosophical
realists in the tradition of Aristotle, Aquinas,
Mortimer Adler, Jacques Maritain, and John Wild
and we are classical liberals in the tradition of
John Locke and Thomas Jefferson. Although we are
classical realists and defend here that
philosophical position, we also think it is
important for everyone to have knowledge of other
philosophies, especially those that have
influenced Western thought and history. Therefore
we provide presentations of those philosophies,
even though we have disagreements with them.
Radical Academy is a project of
The Center for Applied Philosophy
in Sixes, Oregon.
mission is to
- provide a forum for the
discussion of traditional philosophical
- furnish a rational framework
for the analysis of contemporary affairs
and the human condition;
- recommend guidelines for the
application of realistic principles to
contemporary social, cultural and
political policies;
- serve as an information
resource for those concerned with the
current state of society and culture;
- encourage investigation into
all areas of human knowledge and
curiosity, including those which are
deemed unusual, unpopular, or
- suggest activities, goods,
and other materials which contribute to
living well and support a contented life.
Welcome to the Philosophical Society
Welcome to the Philosophical
Society! Our purpose is to discuss
the nature of things in a philosophical
fashion. Though, philosophers (or
philosophy students) are especially welcome to
join, the Philosophical Society welcomes
everyone who "ponders" and
"contemplate" stuff pertaining to
philosophical nature. Furthermore, as a
human being, one has attained the power of reason
using it makes us all philosophers!
Philosophical Society's Philosophy Links
Philosophy in
Research Papers, References, and Others