Geschichte der Philosophie
of Philosophy
Kelley L. Ross
Ancient Philosophy
Modern Philosophy
- On
Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy, by Tom
Rockmore, University of California Press, 1992
- The
Rediscovery of the Mind, John R. Searle,
the MIT Press, Cambridge, 1992 [40.5K]
- Austrian
Philosophy, the Legacy of Franz Brentano,
Barry Smith, Open Court, 1994 [9.8K]
Origin of Philosophy
Kelley L. Ross
How was Greek philosophy different from what came before? Or
was it different? Even though "philosophy" is a
Greek word, from phileîn, "to love," and sophía,
"wisdom," perhaps it was just a continuation of how
people had always thought about things anyway. After all, it
is not uncommon now for items of Egyptian literature, like the
Instruction of Ptah.h.otep, to be listed as Egyptian
"philosophy." So if Greek philosophy is to be
thought of as different, there must be ways of specifiying
that difference. Similarly, if Greek philosophy is to be
compared with Indian and Chinese philosophy, there must be
something that they have in common, and that can be mutually
contrasted with pre-philosophical thought.
As it happens,
Greek philosophy, and Indian and Chinese, were
different from what came before; and we can specify what the
differences were. Pre-philosophical thought can be
characterized as "mythopoeic," "mythopoetic,"
or "mythic" thought. "Mythopoeic" means
"making" (poieîn, from which the word "poet"
is derived) "myth" (mûthos). There is a
large and growing literature about mythology, but here all
that is necessary are the points what will serve the purpose
of distinguishing philosophical thought from the thought of
people about things in earlier Middle Eastern civilizations (Egyptians,
Babylonians, etc.). With the identification of the
characteristics of mythic forms of human thought, it becomes
possible to identify the unique innovations of philosophy.
Note that philosophic thought does not replace
mythopoeic thought but supplements it.
und Begriff - Philosophiehistorischer Exkurs
Ralf Klausnitzer
Mein hypertextueller Essay wird in Verschränkung von
systematischer und historischer Darstellung die
philosophischen Dimensionen der an Brüchen und Veränderungen
reichen Beziehung von Bild
und Begriff
erläutern. Entsprechend der Themenstellung gilt es, das
spannungsreiche Verhältnis von Sehen und Denken,
Anschauung und Theorie in seiner historischen
Genese vorzustellen und an Kristallisationspunkten näher zu
Bereits in unserer alltäglichen Sprachpraxis wird die überragende
Bedeutung des Visuellen für die Konstitution unserer
Welt-Erkenntnis offenkundig: Termini wie Einsicht, anschaulich,
Weltbild, Weltanschauung verweisen auf die Ursprünglichkeit
des Sehens
im Prozess der Erkenntnis. Dem gegenüber artikulierte der
philosophische Diskurs bereits frühzeitig Zweifel an der
Wahrhaftigkeit der Bilder und der durch sie vermittelten
Auffassung von Wirklichkeit. Seit Platons Verdikten gegen die
täuschende Kraft künstlich erzeugter Bilder und seit seiner
Zurückstufung der trügerischen Anschauung gegenüber dem
begrifflichen Denken durchzieht der Streit um Bild und Begriff
die Geschichte der Philosophie.