OCCULTOPEDIA Homepage Marcus V. Gay - mailto:occultopedia@tripod.net An Encyclopedia of
Occultism, Mysticism, Supernatural, Magic,
Demonology, Mythology, Psychic Powers,
Witchcraft, Metaphysics, Spiritism,
Pseudoscience, the Unexplained, Unknown, Strange,
Unusual, Bizarre, Curious, Odd, Astonishing,
Incredible, Amazing and Extraordinary.
Occultopedia: an
A to Z occult and supernatural
encyclopedia and dictionary. A treasury
of occult knowledge and information...
is not my wish to promote or discredit any
beliefs about all of the subjects that encompass
the so called occult sciences, but only to inform
and educate as for the meaning and current
knowledge of all of the words, practices, terms,
definitions, concepts and aspects of it. This was
the purpose for the creation of this Website. I
can only hope it will help, enlighten, inform and
perhaps even entertain some of the cyber pilgrims
that wonder in here. http://members.tripod.com/occultopedia/home.htm
SeanAlonzo.com is the official site of occult fiction author
Sean-Alonzo, exploring symbolism, alternative history,
philosophy, secret societies and other areas of the esoteric
secretorum - the
Book of the Secret of Secrets
Jeremiah Genest - jgenest@neaccess.net
The Book of the secrets of secrets was a text translated from
Arabic in the middle of the twelfth century. It was perhaps
the most popular book in the Middle Ages. An encyclopedic
reference work, it contained much of occult nature. On this
page I shall try to give more background than rules, primarily
dealing with mythology, magic and religion. Those articles
offsite are marked as such. Comments and debate are more than
This on-line encyclopedia has
entered its second year with its own domain name.
There are over 250 articles presented. This
volume may seem small to other on-line
encyclopedias, but the encyclopedia's objectives
are not small, they still are universal. The
first objective is to objectively describe past
and present ideas, concepts, beliefs, and
practices in the worlds of the occult, mysticism
and paranormal. By doing this,the MYSTICA
hopes to achieve its second objective which is to
educate. To many people the regions of the occult
and mysticism are strange, and often even thought
to be sinister. But when the truth about these
phenomena is revealed they are usually seen and
understood differently. Also the practitioners of
such phenomena may be seen differently too. They
usually appear to be ordinary people holding
different ideas. http://www.themystica.com/themystica.html
Die Thule-Gesellschaft. Nationalismus
und Okkultismus Regina Zoller Ich möchte hier ... - als Einstieg
- versuchen, der Frage nachzugehen, was es mit
der sogenannt okkulten
"Thule-Gesellschaft" auf sich hat, mit
welcher Adolf Hitler regelmässig in Verbindung
gebracht wird. In der diesbezüglichen Literatur
werden insbesondere zwei Mitgliedern dieser
Gesellschaft eigentliche Schlüsselpositionen in
Bezug auf Hitler zugewiesen:
Eckart und Karl Haushofer. Ihr Einfluss auf
Hitler soll deshalb genauer beleuchtet werden.
eingehende Erläuterung der Quellenlage ist in
diesem Fall unerlässlich, ebenso eine Diskussion
der Motivation und Argumentation der
Hitler-Okkult-Autoren. http://www.ref.ch/zh/infoksr/thule.html